About Us

Our Story

We’re just a couple of average designers from a small town in the Warwickshire area who want to make it super easy for like-minded designers/developers to find great content to help them on a particular project or design piece! We love new content, so if you have any helpful design resources or tools including fonts, sketch layouts, SEO Help, Chrome extensions, textures, mockups, UI Kits, vectors, stock images or tips to improve productivity, then please submit using the button top right!

How you can help

Hit the submit button top right and send over a quick link to your freebie or design resource that you think will help others, it can be anything from a font you found or a free video for website backgrounds. Contribute to making this site better by adding your content

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FreeStack hosts a user driven Collection of Tools and Resources for Designers and Developers to help on their next project Created by Digital Nomad Lad